Wednesday 9 May 2018

More ways with threads Agnes Halliwell May Meeting 2018

Agnes Halliwell, one of our own members, delivered part 2 of her interesting workshop on More ways with Threads. Agnes has a wealth of experience in a full range of embroidery techniques.  She brought books of samples and individual pieces to show us the possibilities of using threads in more creative ways.  Some of the beautiful inspirational samples are below.

Agnes started with knitting and by varying the size of needles and thickness of wools/threads we could produce differing effects to use in our embroidery.

 Agnes explained that we could put fabrics behind the knitting or thread things through.

If you have ever watched people knit the way they hold their needles and their wool depends are where they were taught to knit. So next time you are on holiday and you see people knitting have a look at the way they hold their needles and progress the wool and it will depend on the knitting culture they were brought up in.

 We were then shown some beautiful cords and a whole variety of ways we could cover and use them. We also rediscovered the cord maker which our guild owns!

 By the end of the session we had all completed lots of samples but more importantly we had added new ideas and skills to our repertoires that we could use any time in the future in our stitching.
A big thank you to Agnes for sharing her experience, skill and creativity with us to improve our artistic  use of stitching in future projects.

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